Promoting Business & Economic Development
Representing Colorado’s Business Interest in D.C.
We are a statewide partnership organization whose membership is comprised of local governments, private businesses, and civic organizations. We are dedicated to finding common ground in the best interest of Colorado.
Shaping Federal Policy for Colorado Businesses
Annual Policy Agenda
Each year, we create an annual policy agenda, crafted with our policy committees, to address mutually important Colorado issues. This sets the course for our year-round advocacy efforts.
Advocating for Colorado
From here, we work with our federal lobbying partner, The Normandy Group, to advocate for Colorado’s business interests and economic development.
Annual D.C. Fly-In Business Mission
Accelerate Colorado’s exclusive fly-in to Washington, D.C. is our cornerstone annual event. 100 statewide business and civic leaders and elected officials join us in the nation’s Capital to engage face-to-face with our Congressional leaders and other federal decision makers, complementing our other year-round advocacy efforts.